SYNTH3D: a geospatial digital twin for XR applications by Maxar and

To accelerate the creation of augmented reality (AR)/virtual reality (VR) experiences, it needs to be easier to enable more location-based precision in AR applications and to develop VR experiences that mirror the real world. SYNTH3D addresses a key missing piece in this journey: providing a user-friendly digital twin from which developers and creators can more easily simulate and visualize hyper-realistic 3D environments representative of real-world locations for use in applications where aesthetics and performance are critical, including for gaming, simulation, entertainment, smart cities and metaverse. Learn more about SYNTH3D:

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Beamed from space. Built for XR.
Beamed from space. Built for XR.

Maxar is unifying physical and virtual worlds by providing the trusted geospatial foundation to ground simu...

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Sturfee VPS Cities

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