More tutorial videos

Learn how imagery is organized and categorized within SecureWatch.

Increase efficiency by mastering the image carousel within the SecureWatch online interface.

Find the imagery you're looking for using the search tools within SecureWatch.

Access additional tools and information layers via the left side panel within SecureWatch.

Easily jump to your areas of interest again and again by setting up custom bookmarks.

Get notified when new images become available that intersect with your area of interest.

Create a time series using multiple images to easily view change over time.

Access Maxar's Vivid Standard Basemap within SecureWatch. *Available with Premium subscriptions

View and download any image in full resolution by ordering it from the archive to the online image catalog or your user library. *Available with Premium subscriptions

View analyst-curated imagery and analysis from global events as they unfold.

Zero in on areas of persistent change with global annual persistent change data. *Available with Premium subscriptions

Be the first to see imagery of natural disaster and human interest events as they're happening. *Available with Premium subscriptions

Watch as the bookmarks, alerts and compare tools come together to easily analyze the impact of hurricane Michael on Mexico Beach, Florida.

See how multiple tools come together to monitor development of the Olympic stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea.

Witness real-time analysis of the Ever Given becoming freed from the Suez Canal.

Search for short-wave infrared images and use exploit mode to quickly find the hotspot of Fagradalsfjall volcano, Iceland.