Youtube - Globe in 3D
This Stream includes all Videos from our Globe in 3D Youtube playlist
#TiltTheMap: Paris, France 2024
Maxar’s #TiltTheMap series visits Paris, France, for the biggest competition of the year. Explore a digital twin of the “City of Love” in full 3D where more than ten thousand athletes will participate
Beamed from space. Built for XR.
Maxar is unifying physical and virtual worlds by providing the trusted geospatial foundation to ground simulations in reality and bring innovation to life. Whether you are powering your augmented real
SYNTH3D: a geospatial digital twin for XR applications by Maxar and
To accelerate the creation of augmented reality (AR)/virtual reality (VR) experiences, it needs to be easier to enable more location-based precision in AR applications and to develop VR experiences th
#TiltTheMap: Barcelona, Spain
Maxar’s #TiltTheMap series visits Barcelona, Spain for Mobile World Congress, the largest and most influential event for the connectivity ecosystem. Explore the digital twin of this vibrant city in fu
#TiltTheMap: New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.
Maxar’s #TiltTheMap series partners with Blackshark to explore New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S. Fueled by Maxar’s satellites, our high-resolution commercial imagery is processed with AI to create a digita
Drone Navigation with Precision3D
With Maxar’s Precision3D, new possibilities for planning, calibration and optimization emerge, bringing superior accuracy at a global scale to safe flight paths.
#TiltTheMap: Ethiopia
Maxar's #TiltTheMap series explores Ethiopia. Behind the dots on a map is the real world. 3D models provide decision-makers and journalists with context they need for hard-to-reach locations.
#TiltTheMap: New York City, U.S.
Maxar’s #TiltTheMap series explores New York City, U.S. From our highest quality commercial satellite imagery comes our 3D geodata, for accuracy, insight and exquisite detail.
The Globe In 3D
With a continuous feed of the highest quality commercial satellite imagery and our patented 3D technology, only Maxar can build the Globe in 3D—the highest resolution, most accurate representation of
#TiltTheMap: Santiago, Chile
Maxar’s #TiltTheMap series explores Santiago, Chile. Our realistic, immersive 3D model—built from commercial satellite imagery—depicts one of the largest cities in the Americas: the financial and indu
Maxar: Get the Whole Picture
Some situations require a complete picture, a view of the world the way it really is, in fully immersive 3D.
#TiltTheMap: Faroe Islands
Maxar’s #TiltTheMap series explores the Faroe Islands in fully immersive 3D.
Bridging the Gap
The Globe in 3D bridges the gap between geo-typical and geo-specific, bringing the training and operational missions together in a seamless environment.
Globe in 3D
With increased capacity and revisit, Maxar will be able to more quickly and accurately generate 3D.
Precision 3D Registration
P3DR is a software suite designed to automatically georegister imagery against the most accurate 3D foundation.
Precision3D Telco Suite
Telecommunications—from regions to urban cores, you need accurate geodata to improve current or plan for tomorrow’s networks.
One Seamless Environment
Maxar provides real data depicting real places.
3D Mission Rehearsal
Maxar brings this precision to military targeting and mission rehearsal with 3D satellite imagery.
The Future of Maps
Maxar is taking maps to the next level, a revolution in cartography.
#TiltTheMap: The Arctic
Maxar’s #TiltTheMap series explores above the 66th parallel north.
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